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Laymans Field Guide to Ancestral Puebloan Pottery

Laymans Field Guide to Ancestral Puebloan Pottery

"This guide is intended to serve as a layman's aid in identifying the remnants of ancient pottery which still litter the surface of the canyons, mesas, and flats of the Northern San Juan/Mesa Verde region, and as a brief primer on the subject of prehistoric pottery classification.  Identifying a pottery sherd, and therefore its age, leads to recognition of the cultural phase of the remarkable Ancestral Puebloans who fired it...producing ceramic art through time while prevailing in wilderness...long centuries before Columbus set sail on his voyage to discovery". —Preface

"Although this guide was compiled, written, and designed as a packable field guide to help laymen identify sherds of prehistoric pottery which are scattered across public lands, it is emphatically not the author's intention to promote or condone the collection or removal of pottery sherds from public land". —Louis A. Crane, Author

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Painted Reflections

Painted Reflections

PAINTED REFLECTIONS examines design in Ancestral Pueblo pottery from various museum collections in the Southwest. The concept of isomeric design is based on an analogy with isomers in chemistry, which refers to compounds that are chemically identical but have mirror-image structures. The authors, an archaeologist and an art historian, use isomeric design to describe the use of paired forms that can be perceived as reversible on painted pottery. This book provides a new and fascinating perspective on Pueblo art and culture. Presenting one hundred examples of Pueblo pottery from various museum collections in the Southwest, PAINTED REFLECTIONS takes a closer look at the psychology, history, and cultural significance of this unique aspect of Ancestral Pueblo painting, providing fascinating insights into the very foundations of Pueblo culture.

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Southwestern Pottery A-Z

Southwestern Pottery A-Z

When this book first appeared in 1996, it was "Pottery 101," a basic introduction to the subject. It served as an art book, a history book, and a reference book, but also fun to read, beautiful to look at, and filled with good humor and good sense. After twenty years of faithful service, it's been expanded and brought up-to-date with photographs of more than 1,600 pots from more than 1,600 years. It shows every pottery-producing group in the Southwest, complete with maps that show where each group lives. Now updated, rewritten, and re-photographed, it's a comprehensive study as well as a basic introduction to the art.

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