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Scout Moore Colorado Plateau

Scout Moore Colorado Plateau

Scout is a JUNIOR RANGER EXTRAORDINAIRE.  She loves camping, road-tripping, and exploring new places. Scout and her family set out to discover the wonders of the Colorado Plateau: peaks, parks, dwellings, arches…and dinosaurs. Along the way, they find something unexpected—new friends for all.

Scout Moore, Junior Ranger: On the Colorado Plateau takes readers on an outdoor adventure through some of the nation’s most beloved parks, forests, and public lands: Grand Canyon, Arches, Bryce, Mesa Verde, Dinosaur, Zion, Capitol Reef, Dixie N National Forest, and beyond!

Scout Moore Doll

Scout Moore Doll

Scout Moore, the ever-adventurous ranger of her own backyard, now takes on Great Smoky Mountains National Park adventures in doll form! This soft plush doll features an all-embroidered face, printed Junior Ranger badge and soft brimmed hat.  Doll measures 14 x 6 1/2 inches.

Seeking The Center Place

Seeking The Center Place

The continuing work of the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center has focused on community life in the northern Southwest during the Great Pueblo period (AD 1150- 1300). Researchers have been able to demonstrate that during the last Puebloan occupation of the area the majority of the population lived in dispersed communities and large villages of the Great Sage Plain, rather than at nearby Mesa Verde. The work at Sand Canyon Pueblo and more than sixty other large contemporary pueblos has examined reasons for population aggregation and why this strategy was ultimately forsaken in favor of a migration south of the San Juan River, leaving the area depopulated by 1290.

Contributors to this volume, many of whom are distinguished southwestern researchers, draw from a common database derived from extensive investigations at the 530-room Sand Canyon Pueblo, intensive test excavations at thirteen small sites and four large villages, a twenty-five square kilometer full-coverage survey, and an inventory of all known villages in the region. Topics include the context within which people moved into villages, how they dealt with climatic changes and increasing social conflict, and how they became increasingly isolated from the rest of the Southwest.

Seeking the Center Place is the most detailed view we have ever had of the last Pueblo communities in the Mesa Verde region and will provide a better understanding of the factors that precipitated the migration of thousands of people.

Publication Date: 

Sharing the Skies

Sharing the Skies

Sharing the Skies provides a look at traditional Navajo astronomy, including their constellations and the unique way in which Navajo people view the cosmos and their place within it. In addition, this book offers a comparison of the Navajo astronomy with the Greek (Western) perceptions. Beautifully illustrated with original paintings from a Navajo artist and scientifically enhanced with NASA photography.

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Soul Would Have No Rainbow

Soul Would Have No Rainbow

Sayings of time-honored truth and contemporary wisdom from the Native American tribes.

"Proverbs are time-honored truths which condense the collected wisdom and experience of a people and their culture.  If you want to know a people, the saying goes, know their poverbs" - Preface, Guy A. Zona

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Southwestern Pottery A-Z

Southwestern Pottery A-Z

When this book first appeared in 1996, it was "Pottery 101," a basic introduction to the subject. It served as an art book, a history book, and a reference book, but also fun to read, beautiful to look at, and filled with good humor and good sense. After twenty years of faithful service, it's been expanded and brought up-to-date with photographs of more than 1,600 pots from more than 1,600 years. It shows every pottery-producing group in the Southwest, complete with maps that show where each group lives. Now updated, rewritten, and re-photographed, it's a comprehensive study as well as a basic introduction to the art.

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Southwests Grand Circle

Southwests Grand Circle

Explore the spectacular 900 - mile circle around Lake Powell, including 15 national park areas, as well as state parks, historical sites, and Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park.

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Spider Spins a Story

Spider Spins a Story

Fourteen Native American tales--illustrated.

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Spider Womans Gift

Spider Womans Gift

At Canyon de Chelly, in the heart of the Navajo Nation, stands an eight-hundred-foot sandstone rock formation known as Spider Rock. According to Diné oral history, this sacred place is where Spider Woman makes her home. For centuries, her gift of weaving has provided the Diné with a constant means of sustenance.

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Spirit of the Earth

Spirit of the Earth

Often spoken at the end of a prayer, a well-known Sioux phrase affirms that "we are all related." Similarly, the Sioux medicine man, Brave Buffalo, came to realize when he was still a boy that "the maker of all was Wakan Tanka (the Great Spirit), and . . . in order to honor him I must honor his works in nature." The interconnectedness of all things, and the respect all things are due, are among the most prominent--and most welcome--themes in this collection of Indian voices on nature.

Within the book are carefully authenticated quotations from men and women of nearly fifty North American tribes. The illustrations include historical photographs of American Indians, as well as a wide selection of contemporary photographs showing the diversity of the North American natural world. Together, these quotations and photographs beautifully present something of nature's timeless message.

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Sticker Park After Dark Milky Way

Sticker Park After Dark Milky Way
Sale 43% off 1 item

Study of Southwestern Archaeology

Study of Southwestern Archaeology

In this volume Steve Lekson argues that, for over a century, southwestern archaeology got the history of the ancient Southwest wrong. Instead, he advocates an entirely new approach--one that separates archaeological thought in the Southwest from its anthropological home and moves to more historical ways of thinking.
Focusing on the enigmatic monumental center at Chaco Canyon, the book provides a historical analysis of how Southwest archaeology confined itself, how it can break out of those confines, and how it can proceed into the future. Lekson suggests that much of what we believe about the ancient Southwest should be radically revised. Looking past old preconceptions brings a different Chaco Canyon into view: more than an eleventh-century Pueblo ritual center, Chaco was a political capital with nobles and commoners, a regional economy, and deep connections to Mesoamerica. By getting the history right, a very different science of the ancient Southwest becomes possible and archaeology can be reinvented as a very different discipline.

https: //

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Ten Little Rabbits

Ten Little Rabbits

Weaving, fishing, and storytelling are all part of this spirited book that celebrates Native American traditions as it teaches young children to count from one to ten.

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This Is Mesa Verde

This Is Mesa Verde

This Is Mesa Verde has stunning photographs and interpretive text that allow you, the reader, to learn more about the beauty and wonder that Mesa Verde has to offer each visitor.

"As Ancestral Pueblo people settled down and clustered together, individual families no longer had to do everything for themselves. Those who were especially good at hunting or farming could provide for others outside their own home, while artisans had more time to work on tools, baskets, clothing, and jewelry. Rooted where they could keep their materials and surrounded by others with a need for their work, artisans made objects of great beauty as well as utility". – Susan Lamb, This Is Mesa Verde

Turquoise Unearthed

Turquoise Unearthed

In the American Southwest, turquoise is a highly prized gemstone with great cultural significance. Author Joe Dan Lowry is recognized worldwide as a leading expert on the subject, and Turquoise Unearthed: An Illustrated Guide is the definitive resource for rock hounds and serious collectors alike. Lowry describes the fascinating history of turquoise mining in the American Southwest and reveals the astonishing variety of colors and forms that make this a gemstone like no other. Among Native American peoples of the Southwest, turquoise is especially prized, with blue stones symbolizing Father Sky and greener ones evoking Mother Earth. This lavishly illustrated volume also features some of the finest examples of antique and contemporary Southwest Indian turquoise jewelry.

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Turquoise, Water, Sky

Turquoise, Water, Sky

This book provides an overview of the uses of turquoise in native arts of the Southwest, beginning with the earliest people who mined and processed the stone for use in jewelry, on decorative objects, and as a powerful element in ceremony. In the past, as now, turquoise was valued for its color and beauty but also for its symbolic nature: sky, water, health, protection, abundance. The book traces historical and contemporary jewelry made by Navajo, Zuni, Hopi, and Santo Domingo artisans, and the continuously inventive ways the stone has been worked.

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Two Raven House

Two Raven House

A monograph in the Wetherill Mesa Project in the Archaeological Research Series.On a sunny day in May of 1960, Jerry Melbye found the rubble ruins of a small pueblo in an open glade of sagebrush. A steel stake bearing a site number was driven into the mound and it was recorded that here was a single story house of from 9 to 12 rooms fronted by a kiva and an extensive trash mound. The report is largely descriptive with a minimum of interpretation and no attempt to define archaeology or spell out cultural history.

Unbreakable Code

Unbreakable Code

John's mother is getting married and he has to leave the reservation. John's grandfather tells him he has the special unbreakable code to take with him. This story portrays the quiet pride of a Navajo code talker as he explains to his grandson how the Navajo language, faith and ingenuity helped win World War II. Full color.

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The Pueblo Revolt of 1680 changed the course of history. It was the only war that American Indians ever won against the Europeans.   The Pueblo people rose up to drive the Spanish military, colonists, and Franciscans all the way back to New Spain (today's Mexico).

In this new nonfiction account, Jake Page delves into the events leading up to the revolt, its aftermath, and the lesser-known second revolt. Experience the history, culture, and struggle for religious freedom from the perspective of the Pueblo people.

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During World War II, as the Japanese were breaking American codes as quickly as they could be devised, a small group of Navajo Indian Marines provided their country with its only totally secure cryptogram.

Recruited from the vast reaches of the Navajo reservation in Arizona and New Mexico, from solitary and traditional lives, the young Navajo men who made up the code talkers were present at some of the Pacific Theatre's bloodiest battles.  They spoke to each other in the Navajo language, relaying vital information between the front lines and headquarters.  Their contribution was immeasurable, their bravery unquestionable.

Seventy-five of the surviving Navajo code talkers are included in this book, their faces testaments to long and valiant lives.

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Whispers of the Wolf

Whispers of the Wolf

A young boy named Two Birds had found the abandoned wolf pup in a cave, and they had grown up together side by side. But now the wild wolves were calling, and the young wolf yearned to be free. Would Two Birds release his companion back into the wild? Set around 500 years ago among the Pueblo Indians of the desert Southwest, this heartwarming story teaches us the importance of letting go of our fears.

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Who Pooped on the Colorado Plateau

Who Pooped on the Colorado Plateau

Watch where you step! Sometimes the animals in the Colorado Plateau are hard to find but you can almost always find their poop! Come along with Michael, Emily, and their family as they find poop (scat) and footprints (tracks) and discover which animal made them!

An ideal tool for teaching young children about animal behavior, diet, and scat and tracks identification the perfect companion for in the car or in the field on your next trip to the Colorado Plateau of Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico.

Fun illustrations of the animals and their scat and tracks supplement the charming story, and a quick-reference chart at the back makes field identification a breeze!

For children ages 5 to 8

Colorful illustrations

Scat and track identification chart in the back

Featured animals: desert cottontail, black-tailed jackrabbit, mule deer, porcupine, antelope, ground squirrel, coyote, mountain lion, gray fox, gopher snake, golden eagle

Publication Date: 

Wildflowers of Colorado

Wildflowers of Colorado

Learn to identify wildflowers in Colorado with this handy field guide, organized by color.

With this famous field guide by professional nature photographer Don Mammoser and award-winning author and naturalist Stan Tekiela, you can make wildflower identification simple, informative, and productive. There's no need to look through dozens of photos of wildflowers that don't grow in Colorado. Learn about 200 of the most common and important species found in the state. They're organized by color and then by size for ease of use. Fact-filled information contains the particulars that you want to know, while full-page photographs provide the visual detail needed for accurate identification.

Book Features

  • 200 species: Only Colorado wildflowers!
  • Simple color guide: See a purple flower? Go to the purple section
  • Fact-filled information and stunning professional photographs
  • Icons that make visual identification quick and easy
  • Nature Notes, including naturalist tidbits and facts
  • This new edition includes updated photographs, expanded information, and even more expert naturalist insights. Grab Wildflowers of Colorado Field Guide for your next outing--to help you positively identify the wildflowers that you see.

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    Wildflowers of Mesa Verde

    Wildflowers of Mesa Verde

    This book is a visitor's guide to some of the more commonly seen plants of Mesa Verde National Park.  It was inspired by Stephen Wenger's wonderful book, Flowers of Mesa Verde National Park, that was published over thirty years ago by the Mesa Verde Association.  To facilitate identification of the plants, both a close-up of the flower or cone as well as a photo of the entire plant are included for each of the featured wildflowers, tree, shrubs, cacti, and grasses.  Uses by Indians and ecological information have been incorporated into the book.  There is a place at the bottom of each page to record when and where each plant was first seen.  Invasive plants that have created problems in the area are discussed in a special section at the end of the book.

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    zzzCliff Dwellings Speak

    Cliff Dwellings Speak

    The Cliff Dwellings Speak empowers Southwestern travelers to decipher remnants from the past. It covers cliff dwellings from Colorado and Utah in the North, in Arizona and New Mexico and even into Northern Mexico.

    This is not your typical guidebook. It does not disclose site locations nor name the ancient ruins. Instead, it guides the explorer around a site in Sherlock Holmes fashion, providing clear tools for understanding cliff dwellings. It is an introduction to Southwestern archaeology and the culture of the current Pueblo people, descendants of the cliff dwellers.

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