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Coloring Book National Parks

Coloring Book National Parks

Celebrate America's natural treasures with this spectacular coloring book that showcases the wonders of our land and commemorates the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service.  The National Parks Coloring Book includes a foreword by Theresa Pierno, President and CEO of the National Parks Conservation Association, and features stunning line drawings that depict scenes from all fifty-nine national parks, along with illustrations of native plant and animal life and information about each park.  A must-have for park fans and nature lovers of all ages.

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Ranger Activity Book

Ranger Activity Book

Follow along with young Jason, the son of two National Park Service (NPS) Rangers as he introduces young readers to the exciting adventures of NPS Rangers. Seven different men and women with diverse backgrounds give personal accounts about their jobs and what inspired them to become NPS Rangers.

Fun games and activities like a word search, maze, puzzles and paper figures complete with two NPS uniforms each, help kids retain the information they learn throughout the book and help get them excited about protecting and preserving America's National Parks! Beautiful, full-color illustrations throughout! Sure to be a hit with kids of any age!

Craft & Coloring Books