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Puppet Baby Raccoon

Puppet Baby Raccoon

This little masked critter would rather snuggle in your arms than steal food! With a bit of encouragement, you'll have it acting as curious as only a raccoon can be.  10" long, 5" wide, 4" tall.

Puppet Bear in Tree Stump

Puppet Bear in Tree Stump

Peeking from his hiding place safe inside a tree stump, this familiar face from the woodlands of North America could charm the honey from the bees. With his soft fur and sweet face, you'll love animating the BEAR IN TREE STUMP's mouth and arms to play a game of peek-a-boo!  7.5" Long, 6" Wide, 10" Tall

Publication Date: 

Puppet Fawn

Puppet Fawn

The sweet-and-gentle Fawn puppet is adorably designed - from its soft vinyl nose down to its soft vinyl hooves. Big black eyes and silky spotted fabric 'fur' details complete the realism of this hand puppet.  13" long, 5" wide, 9" tall.

Puppet Pack Rat

Puppet Pack Rat

Even if you find the real thing creepy, this roly-poly Rat puppet will win you over. With soft fur, expressive eyes and a little twitchy nose and tail, he can be shy or bold, cautious or curious. With his detachable "Pack" he can collect to his heart's content.  9" LONG, 7" WIDE, 12" TALL

Puppet Porcupine

Puppet Porcupine

Special plush gives this Porcupine puppet the appearance of having quills, but never fear! While she may poke about, she won't poke you! Hand enters from chest area to animate the front legs and head.  Movable head, arms and feet.  13" long, 5" wide, 7" tall.

Puppet Raccoon in Garbage Can

Puppet Raccoon in Garbage Can

Who's that masked creature making all that racket? The raccoons must be looting the trash again. Even if he is spending too much time in the can, you won't mind when you see this adorable creature peeking out from under the lid. Little Raccoon says, please recycle!  Pop-up with movable head and front paws.  5" long, 5" wide, 7" tall.

Puppet Rattlesnake

Puppet Rattlesnake

The rattlesnake is very distinctive in its native environment and the Folkmanis puppet line. Designed with the signature diamond back in browns of the desert, this rattler stretches out to 36 inches, has a movable mouth and a rattle in its tail.

Puppet Skunk

Puppet Skunk 2250

White stripes beautifully highlight the elegant sweep of long black fur on the hazardous hindquarters of this skunk puppet. With a workable mouth and tail, she can be posed in attack position, but don't worry; scent glands are not included!  14" long, 4" wide, 5" tall. 

Puppet Small Red Fox

Puppet Fox Small Red

This sly little trickster has been featured in folklore from Europe, North America and Japan. With his realistic fur and foxy good looks, this vulpine charmer will brighten your day!   15" long, 6" wide, 6" tall.

Puzzle Cliff Palace Pano

Puzzle Panoramic Cliff Palace

This 500+ piece panoramic puzzle is perfect for anyone who loves a puzzle challenge. This puzzle features a gorgeaous photo of the iconic Cliff Palace by photgrapher Georg H. H. Huey. Includes a free reference poster.

12" x 36"

Puzzle Cliff Palace Retro Ranger


Puzzle PPCA

Puzzle Retro Ranger Posters Panorama

You’ll love this challenging puzzle with over 1000 random cut standard size pieces! 14x39 Panoramic jigsaw puzzle featuring Retro Ranger posters of the Colorado Plateau. Free reference poster included.

Puzzle WPA Posters

Puzzle WPA Posters

National Parks—Poster Art of the WPA 1000 Puzzle includes 55 WPA National Park posters. Historic and colorful National Park posters created by the WPA between 1935 and 1943, and new park posters created in the WPA style, are the featured illustrations for this 1000-piece puzzle that celebrates the unique beauty of our National Parks.

1000 Pieces: Consists of 1000 pieces of randomly-shaped interlocking, tessellating pieces.

DIMENSIONS: Puzzle: 17.25 x 26.5 in.

Ranger Activity Book

Ranger Activity Book

Follow along with young Jason, the son of two National Park Service (NPS) Rangers as he introduces young readers to the exciting adventures of NPS Rangers. Seven different men and women with diverse backgrounds give personal accounts about their jobs and what inspired them to become NPS Rangers.

Fun games and activities like a word search, maze, puzzles and paper figures complete with two NPS uniforms each, help kids retain the information they learn throughout the book and help get them excited about protecting and preserving America's National Parks! Beautiful, full-color illustrations throughout! Sure to be a hit with kids of any age!

Scrapbook Americas National Parks

Scrapbook Americas National Parks

With this scrapbook kit you will have fun sharing your memories from your visits to America's National Parks and you may learn something new about the parks along your way.  Kit includes decorative papers, stickers, punch-outs, and official symbols of the parks.  Proceeds from the sales of this product support programs and services for national parks and other public lands.

Games, Toys & Crafts