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Plush Black Bear 12"

Plush Black Bear 12"

Meet our friendly wild onez Black Bear. Shiny and soft, he is made from recycled materials and comes with a recycle symbol as a patch on his foot. Black bears like to live in forests, and eat a wide variety of food from berries to fish to sometimes even garbage. bears hibernate, sleeping when the weather turns cold.  12"

Plush Bobcat 12"

Plush Bobcat 12"

Meet our wild onez Bobcat, he sometimes goes by other names, like wild cat, and gets confused with a different cat called a lynx. You can spot him thanks to his pointed ear tufts, and large paws. He is an excellent climber, and comes from North America. Our piece is made of recycled materials, and featured a recycle symbol.  12"

Plush Coyote 12"

Plush Coyote 12"

Meet our wild onez Coyote. Known for howling at the moon, these animals like to hunt in packs, similar to wolves, and run at night. Small and lean, the coyote is similar to a dog, and likes bunnies, deer, and small prey. Our recycled plush comes with a patch, and recycled symbol. 12"

Plush Fox 12"

Plush Fox 12"

What does the wild onez Fox say? He wants you to know he is made of recycled materials, and features a recycle symbol patch on his hip. Female foxes are called vixens, and males are called tods. Babies are called kits. Foxes are very smart, sly, or sometimes called clever. 12"

Plush Ringtail Cat 12"

zzPlush Ringtail Cat 12" 21785

Puppet Baby Black Bear

Puppet Baby Black Bear

This familiar face from the woodlands of North America could charm the honey from the bees. One of Folkmanis Puppet's original designs, the Baby Black Bear puppet's popularity still runs strong. With his soft fur and sweet face, you'll love him, too.  5" longs, 6" wide, 9" tall.

Puppet Baby Raccoon

Puppet Baby Raccoon

This little masked critter would rather snuggle in your arms than steal food! With a bit of encouragement, you'll have it acting as curious as only a raccoon can be.  10" long, 5" wide, 4" tall.

Puppet Bear in Tree Stump

Puppet Bear in Tree Stump

Peeking from his hiding place safe inside a tree stump, this familiar face from the woodlands of North America could charm the honey from the bees. With his soft fur and sweet face, you'll love animating the BEAR IN TREE STUMP's mouth and arms to play a game of peek-a-boo!  7.5" Long, 6" Wide, 10" Tall

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Puppet Fawn

Puppet Fawn

The sweet-and-gentle Fawn puppet is adorably designed - from its soft vinyl nose down to its soft vinyl hooves. Big black eyes and silky spotted fabric 'fur' details complete the realism of this hand puppet.  13" long, 5" wide, 9" tall.

Puppet Pack Rat

Puppet Pack Rat

Even if you find the real thing creepy, this roly-poly Rat puppet will win you over. With soft fur, expressive eyes and a little twitchy nose and tail, he can be shy or bold, cautious or curious. With his detachable "Pack" he can collect to his heart's content.  9" LONG, 7" WIDE, 12" TALL

Puppet Porcupine

Puppet Porcupine

Special plush gives this Porcupine puppet the appearance of having quills, but never fear! While she may poke about, she won't poke you! Hand enters from chest area to animate the front legs and head.  Movable head, arms and feet.  13" long, 5" wide, 7" tall.

Puppet Raccoon in Garbage Can

Puppet Raccoon in Garbage Can

Who's that masked creature making all that racket? The raccoons must be looting the trash again. Even if he is spending too much time in the can, you won't mind when you see this adorable creature peeking out from under the lid. Little Raccoon says, please recycle!  Pop-up with movable head and front paws.  5" long, 5" wide, 7" tall.

Puppet Rattlesnake

Puppet Rattlesnake

The rattlesnake is very distinctive in its native environment and the Folkmanis puppet line. Designed with the signature diamond back in browns of the desert, this rattler stretches out to 36 inches, has a movable mouth and a rattle in its tail.

Puppet Skunk

Puppet Skunk 2250

White stripes beautifully highlight the elegant sweep of long black fur on the hazardous hindquarters of this skunk puppet. With a workable mouth and tail, she can be posed in attack position, but don't worry; scent glands are not included!  14" long, 4" wide, 5" tall. 

Puppet Small Red Fox

Puppet Fox Small Red

This sly little trickster has been featured in folklore from Europe, North America and Japan. With his realistic fur and foxy good looks, this vulpine charmer will brighten your day!   15" long, 6" wide, 6" tall.

Plush & Puppets