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Poster Balcony House Fine Art

Poster Balcony Hs Fine Art

From photographer Dennis Turville, this image has been artfully enhanced from a photograph of Balcony House. Printed on archival paper. 16" x 24"

Poster Balcony House Photo

Poster Balcony House

Photographer — Dennis Turville, Balcony House at sunrise

Dimensions: 18" x 24"

Poster Cliff Palace Art Colorblock

Poster Cliff Palace Art

Artist — Ruth Osa, colorful Cliff Palace artowrk comissioned for Mesa Verde's 2006 Centennial celebration.

Dimensions: 12" x 18"

Poster Cliff Palace Fine Art

Poster Cliff Palace Fine Art

From photographer Dennis Turville, this image has been artfully enhanced from a photograph of Cliff Palace.  Printed on archival paper.  16" x 24"

Poster Cliff Palace Panorama

Poster Cliff Palace Panorama

Poster Cliff Palace Photo

Poster Cliff Palace

Photographer — Dennis Turville, Cliff Palace at dusk

Dimensions: 18" x 24"

Poster Colorado Plateau

Poster Colorado Plateau

The Colorado Plateau hosts the greatest and most diverse collection of National Parks and public lands on earth! Featuring over 50 National Parks, Monuments, recreation areas, and conservation areas, the Plateau is a wonderland for scenic and recreational opportunities throughout the year. This version of the popular map is flat and printed on heavy stock, perfect for marking down your advetures across the Colorado Plateau.

Dimensions: 25" x 36"

Poster Four Corners Image

Poster Four Corners Image

This popular oblique image offers a unique view of the Four Corners area of the American Southwest. Striking detail and geographic relief make this image a one-of-a-kind. Due to its obliqueness, this is not a true map as it is foreshortened therefore not to scale North to South. Parts of this image also appear to be three-dimensional, especially the Colorado River canyons.

Dimensions: 25.5” X 37”

Poster Long House

Poster Long House

Photographer —Dennis Turville, Long House in the morning

Dimensions: 18" x 24"

Poster Luminaria Night Magic

Poster Luminaria Night Magic

Southwest watercolor artist Jan Wright experienced first hand the magic of Luminaria Night at Mesa Verde National Park, when Spruce Tree House is illuminated by lanterns, paths are lined with candles, music abounds, and the park provides free chili and hot drinks.  As the park's Artist in Residence in October of 2012, Jan's creative expression of the dwellings and sites intensified and often took on an other-worldly quality.

Dimensions: 15.25" x 11"

Poster Nevada Horses

Poster Nevada Horses

In 1937 Mesa Verde Association purchased “Nevada Horses” from Navajo artist Gerald Nailor. It was subsequently donated to the Mesa Verde National Park and currently hangs in the Chapin Mesa Archaeological Museum.

Nailor was born in 1917 in Pinedale, New Mexico; his Navajo name is Toh Yah (Walking By the River). He enrolled in the Albuquerque Indian School from 1930 to 1934. After that he attended the Santa Fe Indian School, where he studied art under Dorothy Dunn from 1935 to 1937. His paintings are among the rarest of the Dorothy Dunn student's works because of his early death.

In 1939, Nailor, Houser and Velino Shije Herrera were commissioned by the WPA to paint a large mural, which is still installed in the Main Interior Building in Washington, D.C. In 1942, Nailor was selected for a commission of a mural for the Navajo Nation Council Chamber in Window Rock, Arizona, to depict the history of the Navajo people. In 2004, the building (and its mural) was declared a National Historic Landmark.

Dimensions: 20" x 26", printed on high quality, acid free paper. Artist info sheet included.

Poster North American Indian Cultures

Poster North American Indian Cultures

Long before 16th-century Europeans began to explore North America, the land was already home to an estimated 30 million people who spoke diverse languages and complex cultures. This legacy of language and inspired ideas is explored in this compelling North American Indian Cultures map. The map shows a broad sampling of linguistic families throughout the continent along with descriptions of each language group. A special inset highlights Native Americans innovations from parkas and snow goggles to new medicines and agricultural techniques. Coverage ranges from Central America to the farthest reaches of Canada and Alaska, as well as Greenland and the Caribbean Islands. 

Dimensions: 24.75" x 38.5"

Poster Spruce Tree House

Poster Spruce Tree House

Photographer — Dennis Turville, Spruce Tree House in the morning.

Dimensions: 18" x 24"

Poster WPA Mesa Verde

Poster WPA Mesa Verde

Artist — Doug Leen, serigraph print of a contemporary design featuring Square Tower House in the style of the Works Progress Administration (WPA).

Dimensions: 15" x 21"
