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Mini Blocks Rattlesnake
Mini Blocks Rattlesnake

Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes (Crotalus atrox) are species of poisonous snakes generally called “pit vipers”.
It can exceed seven feet in length and is the king of twenty-odd species of Southwestern desert rattlers. They are a heavy-bodied snake with a triangular-shaped head.

This snake isn’t too picky about its habitat. It can be found living in deserts, grassy plains, forests, rocky hillsides, and areas along the coast. Diamondbacks will often spend the hot daytime hours coiled in the shade of low-growing shrubs, piles of natural or artificial debris or rocks.

Mini building blocks: 360 pieces
Assembled size: 3 5/16″ x 4 1/4″ x 2″ (84 x 108 x 51 mm)

Mini Blocks Rattlesnake