Product Submission Guidelines
MVMA receives hundreds of items for review each year, and many are rejected immediately because they do not meet our basic requirements or product needs. Please keep in mind that we are primarily a bookstore and our focus is providing high quality educational and interpretive products.
We refer non-book products to the concessionaire that operates the park gift shops - Aramark Mesa Verde Company. They can be reached at P.O. Box 277, Mancos, CO 81328, 800-449-2288.
All merchandise sold under MVMA’s cooperating association agreement with Mesa Verde National Park is approved in writing by the park. Products are evaluated based on appropriateness, park themes, audiences, interpretive value, accuracy, price points, and quality. Sales items should not encourage or depict inappropriate activities in parks, or direct visitors to resources protected under the Archeological Resources Protection Act or similar statutes.
Mesa Verde Association offers retail items that directly support Mesa Verde National Park’s interpretive themes, visitor information and orientation needs, as well as National Park Service values. Income from these sales support the park’s interpretive, education, and research programs.
Merchandise must have educational value. It should further interpret the significance of Mesa Verde National Park and its resources, or reinforce interpretive or educational messages, or stimulate further intellectual exploration of ideas and messages relevant to the park’s interpretive stories.
• The book or item must be related to Mesa Verde National Park, public lands in the Mesa Verde region and Colorado Plateau, Ancestral Puebloan culture, regional Native American tribes and pueblos, and regional cultural and natural resources.
• Sensitive topics must be respected. We will not accept materials that in any way compromise the region's fragile cultural resources and natural environment, or contain material found offensive by Native Americans. For example, books or maps that reveal the locations of Ancestral Puebloan sites that are not normally available to public access, or books that contain culturally sensitive information.
• The product may not promote behavior unauthorized on public lands.
• The item must fall within MVMA's scope of sales.
• Items must contain current and accurate interpretive information about the subject.
• The item must be of interest to visitors.
• The item must be well-made and of high quality.
• The item must be reasonably priced and readily available. (Please be aware that we do not purchase self-published books as the discount margins do not allow for reasonable retail pricing.)
Submitting Your Product
Please send a sample of your product and ordering information (pricing, discount schedule, minimums) to:
MVMA Product Review
34840 Hwy 160
Mancos, CO 81328
The item will not be returned.
You will be notified if your product successfully passes the review process and is selected as a sales item.